Partner with
The Compassion Project
We work with a range of wholesalers, stockists, collaborators and ambassadors who share our mission to bring compassionate action to communities who need and deserve support.

We are currently seeking partners for our Emotional Support for Mothers Toolkit
- Maternal mental health and wellbeing advocates
- Mother and parenting advocates
- Retailers and stockists of gifts, books, personal development resources and more
- Individuals and organisations that provide services to parents, children and mothers including maternal health and wellbeing services, mental health care providers, GPs, psychologists, community organisations and parenting programs.

The Emotional Support for Mothers Toolkit
is a wonderful complement to formal wellbeing and mental health services. It also brings beautiful shelf appeal to booksellers and retailers—and makes a thoughtful addition to curated gift boxes for mothers of all kinds.

Partner with us
If you’d like to partner with us to help more mothers navigate difficult days and difficult emotions with greater compassion and ease we’d love to talk with you.